How to Host Your Perfect, Socially-Distanced Wedding Day: Tips and Tricks for a Lockdown Wedding

How to Host Your Perfect, Socially-Distanced Wedding Day: Tips and Tricks for a Lockdown Wedding

How to Host Your Perfect, Socially-Distanced Wedding Day: Tips & Tricks for a 2021 Wedding 

Let’s face it — the past year has been nothing short of a nightmare for the wedding industry. 

Countless suppliers having to close their businesses, copious amounts of postponing, heartbreak after heartbreak, it’s certainly not been the start to engagement life couples had hoped for. 

But, with the vaccine rollout in full swing and the announcement of a roadmap to normality for weddings (see below), there is renewed hope that weddings can return to their room-filled, fabulous former glory very soon. 

When do wedding rules change?

In the UK, the government has laid out a roadmap for weddings and civil ceremonies. Here’s what it looks like at the moment: 


  • Step one: 29 March. Up to six people (including the couple) can attend a wedding or civil partnership ceremony. 
  • Step two: 12 April (at the earliest). Up to 15 people will be allowed to attend a ceremony and reception, but ceremonies can only take place in places of worship, public buildings and in locations that are already permitted to open, with outdoor receptions only.
  • Step three: 17 May (at the earliest). Up to 30 people are allowed at the ceremony and reception.
  • Step four: 21 June (at the earliest). At this point, the government aims to remove all limits on social contact, including wedding restrictions. 

All of these changes are dependent on cases, deaths and hospital admissions continuing to fall. For more accurate advice, visit the official government website

Across the pond in the US, large gatherings are still not allowed across the entire country. However, being such a diverse continent, each state has its own set of rules and regulations that are updated regularly. 

Check out The Knot for the latest guidance. As a general rule, most states are allowing weddings in outdoor spaces for a small group of people (or a few households)

And, in Europe, rules for weddings vary greatly. Be sure to check out individual government websites to keep up with the latest easing of restrictions. 

6 tips and tricks for your 2021 wedding 

So, as small weddings begin to take place again, how awesome would it be if you could come up with a bunch of brilliant ideas for your big day? And, in doing so, ease some of the stress from your partner!

That’s what we call earning your brownie points. 

Here at Tweedmaster, we’re always here to offer great advice to grooms and this blog is no different. 

From hygiene and technology to guest lists and venues, we’re going to cover all the tips and tricks you need for planning a wedding under socially distanced restrictions. 

  • Cut down your guest list 

This is arguably one of the hardest things about organising a wedding during this difficult time.

With only a limited number of people able to attend (15 guests from 12th April and 30 guests from 17th May), cutting down your guest list can suddenly feel pretty political. 

Especially when these numbers include everyone at the ceremony. Six places quickly fill up — the couple, two witnesses, the celebrant and photographer — before you even get to the guests. 

So how on earth do you decide? Well, first things first, writing down a list of your must-haves is the first step. 

Start by naming all of the people you simply couldn’t imagine not being there. Try to be fair with this by allocating each of you (the couple) equal spots, and then ‘trade’ if one of you has a bigger family or group of friends. 

  • Be practical and strategic 

The above step will leave you with a ‘draft’ Guest List. If it hits the numbers, great, if not, it’s time to cut it down. 

With a global pandemic still ongoing, it might not be wise to have at-risk or elderly relatives present. Not only will you be on-edge all day worrying whether they’re keeping socially distant or wearing their mask, but they might feel nervous themselves meaning they’re unable to enjoy your day to the fullest. 

Equally, babies will take up an extra number, so remember to consider them too. If they’re going to stay home, ensure that childminders are within the family’s social bubble. 

You may also have to say no to plus ones (sorry budding new romances). And limit the number of suppliers you have, and don’t invite people solely because you went to their wedding. 

This is your day, so ditch the guilt. Given the circumstances, everyone will understand.

  • Live stream the ceremony

For those who can’t make it, not all is lost. Trusty Zoom can come to the rescue so you can share your special day with even more of your friends and family. 

It’s as easy as popping a phone on a tripod, pointing it towards the altar, and live streaming your ceremony. You can even create a digital invite for those guests keeping safe at home. 

  • Consider an outdoor ceremony

With the clocks going forward, longer days, and rules stating you should avoid close contact at all costs, there’s never been a better time to wed outside. 

If your venue has a licensed outdoor space, bingo. This means you can tie the knot outside with less fretting over space and masks. Still, encourage frequent hand sanitising, and put up signs gently reminding guests of social distancing rules

If the venue doesn’t have an outdoor area, pick the most spacious room available for your ceremony and then kindly ask if they could install a marquee for an outdoor reception. 

Chances are they’ll already have this organised, as well as clear risk assessments and processes in place for keeping to the rules. 

  • Be flexible with food 

In terms of food, unfortunately, buffets and canapes are off the cards. You may also need to adapt your menu and prepare for last-minute changes due to demand.

Venues will be working closely with caterers to ensure they have the space and produce they need to safely operate, but if you’re going it alone — i.e. having an elopement — try a delivery service. 

Some caterers are providing ingredient box services or videos of how to prepare the meal to give guests who can’t attend the chance to create it themselves.

  • Don the perfect outfit 

Just because your wedding is smaller doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your attire.

In fact, that’s even more reason to go all out. 

If it’s an outdoor affair, a tweed suit will work wonders for your traditional gentlemanly getup.

Not only are tweed suits more thermal due to their double-layering, but they have an incredibly rustic luxe look that will slot seamlessly into an open-air soiree. 

Explore our site to find the perfect tweed suit for your socially distant wedding. 

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