Your suit is your best friend; your most able wing-man. Every time you catch up it’s a riot. Chums - old and new - spot you together and comment on how you really do bring out the very best in each other. Sipping on your bourbon Old Fashioned, beard groomed to perfection, you beam. You know it’s true.
But sadly he’s also that friend who lives abroad. Hong Kong or Australia probably. Which means you only get to hang out once every few months at best. Wedding season’s always a gas, but it feels so fleeting. “We must see more of each other, you remark.”
Life, of course, gets in the way. You find yourself dressing down more frequently. Shorts and shirt-sleeves in the summer. Your favourite cosy jumper through the winter months. Before long you realise it’s been ages since you’ve even been out together.
Which is why at Tweedmaker we feel it’s so damned important that when you do wear your suit, tweed or otherwise, you wear it well. In fact, we wouldn’t have it any other way. So we’ve put together these great tips on how to wear your suit like an absolute boss - and a complete gentleman - all at once. Meaning you’ll never have to ask ‘Am I wearing my suit right’ ever again.
What kind of suit should I wear?
Let’s clear one thing up. Yes, we’re biased and we think everybody should have a tweed suit in their armoury. But there will, of course, be occasions when you’ll opt for something a little less fantastic. And who are we to hold that against you? The benefit of tweed is clearly its classic but bold look. You won’t just stand out of the crowd as the most debonair chap at the party, you’ll also be making a fashionable statement about what other clothes you might wear (even if you secretly don’t).
On the days when you decide to give your tweed a rest, the rule is simple. Black suits are for funerals or highly formal occasions. Navy blue or charcoal grey are better for parties or day-wear.
White suits - unless linen - are a bit of a faux pas in our book. But each to their own as they say.
How important is the fit of my suit?
Vital! No messing around here fellas. Next to a warm gin martini and driving automatic, a badly fitted suit is among the greatest crimes one can commit as a gentleman. For a case in point we direct you to none other than the current leader of the free world, President Donald J Trump.
A man who’s inestimable wealth should at the very least afford him a well tailored suit. But as with all things Donny T, quixotic contradictions are just the way he rolls.
Check out this amazing GQ makeover of everyone’s favourite sartorially challenged twitter-academic to see what a difference a great fit can make.

What colour shoes should I wear with my suit?
As ever, this is a personal choice but for those of you in need of guidance, you’ll be pleased to hear there’s a quick and simple guide to help you out.
It goes like this:
Should I wear a pocket square?
A pocket square is a great way to add a dash of something different to your suit. It brings some gentle dimension and no small amount of distinguishment to your look. But as with every choice you make when it comes to your outfit, one false move can take the whole operation down. To that end, we encourage a careful yet tasteful choice when it comes to your pocket rocket.
Colours should never clash with your tie or suit. So choose something that bounces off both nicely without being too brash or mimicky. The colour and material should be distinctively different to both. Stick with simple colours to begin with. Then, as your confidence grows, move into exploring patterned numbers.

Should I do up the buttons on my suit?
Again, this is a bit of a subjective one but seeing as you asked - the rule we choose to follow goes like this: If you're wearing a waistcoat, always keep the bottom button undone. When you sit down, make sure you undo all the buttons (god forbid you should ruin its shape). Otherwise, just go with what feels right. People will tell you all sorts of things, but damn it - it’s your suit, so it’s your call.
Written for the web by suit-lover
and well dressed local hero Max Lawrence